Sunday, February 24, 2008

Introductory Notes

The course examines the phenomenon of prophecy in the ancient world and early Israel (Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha): the personality and message of the writing prophets (Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah. Jeremiah. Ezekiel, Deutero-Isaiah, and others) within their historical contexts. Discussion includes exegesis of selected oracles, one from every prophet. The themes of Davidic kingship, the Deuteronornic theology. Messianism, etc. are also treated.

I Prerequisite: Pentateuchal Studies I
On.J[s’iIVFS: • To introduce the students to Israel’s prophetic literature and the historical setting of the oracles.
• To study the various theological themes arising from the writings of the prophets.
• To give students opportunity to do research work on the prophets.

Course Outline: I The Prophetic Books
II What is Prophecy? Prophetic Role Labels.and Speech Forms. (rlrLk’)
III Dispute over (he Religious Legitimation of Kingship
IV The Main Slate Cult in the South
V Samuel and Nathan
VI The Main Slate Cult in the North
VII The Dispute over Religious Syncretism in the Ninth Century
VIII Elijah and Elisha
IX The Theological Controversies in the Social & Political Crisis of the 8th Century
X Amos of Tekoa / Am 5:18-27 “False Religiosity and Idolatiy”
Xl Midterm Exam
fNote: the course continues with Bishop Pablo David as professor. He will deal with the
prophets: Jonah, Hosea, Micah, and a little excursus on I)anieLj

NIFTII0D0L0(;y: {a} Class lectures and discussion
b Research work and term paper
{c} The students are required to read at least one book of their choice on the History of Israel (see Bibliography below) in addition to reading the class notes and textbooks
ASSI:SSMF:N1: The final grade is based on two tests (midterm and final).

JOHN W. MILLER, Meet the Prophets (New York: Pauhist Press. 1987) 5-38. ITEXBOOKI. & CLAss NOTEs: JOSEPh BLENKINSOPP. “Prophetic Role Labels,” Sage, Priest, Prophet: I?eligious and Intellectual Leadership in Ancient Israel (Louisville, Kentucky: Westmins-ter / John Knox
Press, 1995) 123-129.
CLAUS WESTF:RMANN. “The Speech Forms in Prophetic Books.” Basic
Forms of Prophetic Speech (Tr. Hugh C. White; Louisville, Kentucky: West-minster / John
Knox Press, 1991) 90-98.
R0I3ERT R. WILsoN, “Ephraimite &. Judahile Prophetic Traditions.”
Propheci’ and .Societv in Ancient Israel (Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1980) I 35-46. 253-62.
Various authors, “Samuel. Nathan, Elijah & Elisha.” Exegetical articles: “False Religiosity and
Idolatry” (Am 5:18-27): “Israel’s Defilement” (Hos 5:3-7): “The linmanuel Prophecy” (Isa
7:1-17): “Calamity at the Gate of Jerusalem” (Mic 1:8-16): “Repentance & Forgiveness” (Jer
3:19---4:4): “The Promise of New Life” (Ezk 37:1-14): “Comfort. Confort My People” (Isa


(kncri1 Introduction CI.Aus WES’TERMANN, Basic For,ns of Prophetic Speech (Tr. Hugh C.
White Louisville, Kentucky: West-minstcr / John Knox Press. 1991) 90-98. Ci,..xt:s
WES’IERMANN, Prophetic oracles of Salvation (Tr. Keith Cnm; Edinburgh: T&T Clark. 1991)
283 pp. JoHN W. MIllER, Meet the Prophets (New York: Paulist Press, 1987) 5-38. JOSF:PiI
Bl.i:NKINs0PP, A Hi,s’torv of Prophecy in Israel: From the Settlement in the I.and to the
Ilellenistic Period (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1983) 287 pp. JOSEPH BI .ENKINSOPP,
cage, Priest, Prophet: Religious and Intellectual Leadership in Ancient Israel (Louisville.
Kentucky: Westmins-ter / John Knox Press. 1995) 123-129. KlAUS KOCH. Y’he Prophets (2
vols.: tr. Margaret Kohl: London: SCM Press. 1982/83) 182 + 217 pp. LEsIEI L. GRAI3BE.
Fries/c, Prophets, Dii’iners, .S’ages: A Socio-Ihstorical Study of Religious .Specia/ists in Ancient
Israel (Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Thnitv Press International, 1995) xviii + 261. PHII.TP R.
DAVIES. The Prophets: A SheJJleld Reader (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 1996) 388 pp.
ROBERT R. WILSON. Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel (Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1980)
135-46. 253-62. RONALD E. CLEMENTS. Old Testament Prophecy: From Oracles to (‘anon
(Louisville. Kentucky: Westminster / John Knox Press, 1996) x + 277 pp.
ll5Jy: GSTA W. AIII.sTROM, 7he History ofAncient Palestine (Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
1993) 990 pp. J. Mi\xw:LL MILLER — JOHN H. HAYES, A History of Anciet Israel and ,Judah
(Philadelphia: Westminster Press. 1986) 523 pp. JoHN BRIGhT, A History of I.crael (3° ed
Philadelphia: Westminster Press. 1959) 511 pp. JoHN H. HAYES — J. MAXWELL MILlER.
Israelite and Judaean History (London: SCM Press. 1977) xxxi + 736 pp. MORTON SMITh.
Palestinian Parties and Politics that Shaped the Old Testament (2’° ed.: London: SCM Press.
1981) x + 277 pp. RAINER AI.BERTZ, A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Te.ctament
Period (2 vols.; Ir. John Bowden; London: SCM Press, 1994) ix + 740 pp.
CAROL L. MEYERS — ERIC M. MEYERS, Ilaggai, Zechariah 1-8 (2 vols.: AB;
New York: Doubleday. 1987). ChiRIsToPIIIR R. SEITz, Isaiah 1—39 (Interpretation: Louisville:
John Knox Press, 1989). CI.AUS WESTERMANN. isaiah 40-66 (OTL: London: SCM Press,
1966/69). D. L. PETERSEN, , liaggai, Zechariah 1-8 (OTL; London: SCM Press, 1984). D. R.
HILLERS, Micah (Hermeneia; Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984). DOUGLAS R. JONES, Jeremiah (NCBC; Grand Rapids. Michigan: Ecrdrnans, 1992). DouGI.As STUART. Jfo.cea-,Jonah (WBC: Dallas: Word Books, 1987). FRANCIS L. ANDERSEN — DAVID N. FREEDMAN. Ibsen (AB: New York: Doubleday, 1980). , Amos (AB: New York: Doubleday, 1989). FRANCIS L. Micah (AB; New York: Doubleday, 2000). FRANCIS LANDY, Hosea (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 1995). G. I. DAVIES, liosea (NCBC; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdrnans, 1992). HANs W. WOLFF. Micah (Continental: Minneapolis: Augsburg-Fortress, 1982/90). . Haggai (Continental: Minneapolis: Augsburg-Fortress. 1986/88). , Ibosea (Henrieneia: Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1965/74). , Joel, Amos (Hermencia; Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1969/77). . Ohadiah and Jonah (Continental: Minneapolis: Augsburg-Fortress, 1977/86). HORACIO SIMIAN-YOFRE, El de.cierto de b.c dio.ce.c (Cordoba: Ediciones El Almendro, 1993). J. A. THOMPSON, .Jeremiah (NICOT; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980). J. J. M. ROBERTS. Nahum, Ifahakkuk, Zephaniah (0Th: Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster I John Knox Press, 1991). JAMES L. MiYS, Amos (OTL: London: SCM Press, 1969). JAMES L. MAYS, Hosea (OTL; London: SCM Press. 1969). . Micah (OTL: London: SCM Press, 1976). JAMES LIMnURG, Jonah, (0Th; Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster / John Knox Press, 1993). JOHN BRIGHT, Jeremiah (AB: New York: Doubleday, 1965). J0TIN D. W. WATTS, Isaiah 1-33 (WBC: Dallas: Word Books, 1985). JoHN D. W. WATTS. Isaiah 34-66
(WBC: Dallas: Word Books. 1987). , Isaiah 1-39 N1COT: Grand Rapids: Ecrdrnans.
1986). JöRG JEREMIAS. Amos (OTL: Louisville. Kentucky: Westminster I John Knox Press.
1995). JOSEPH B1.ENKINSOPP. Isaiah 1-39 (AB New York: Doubleday, 2000). L,si,irC. AlIEN.
Ezekiel 20-48 (WBC Dallas: Word Books, 1990). LESLIE C. AJ.1.EN. .Joel, Ohadiah, .Jonah, &
Siicah (NICOT; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 1976). MARvIN A. SWEENEY. ihe Twelve Prophets
(Olam Berit Collegeville. Minnesota: Liturgical Press. 2000) 802 Pp. 0. P. ROIwRrsON.
Nahu,n, [Iahakkuk, Zephaniah (NICOT: Grand Rapids: Ecrdmans. 1990). O’rro KAIsI:R, Isaiah
1-12 (OTL: London: SCM Press. 198 1/83). OTTo KAISER, Isaiah 13-39 (OTL London: SCM
Press. 1973/74). PETER A. VERIIOEF. Hag,gai & Ma/achi (NICOT: Grand Rapids: Ecrdmans.
1987). PETER C. CRAIGIE ET .‘.L., .Jeremiah 1-25 (WBC; Dallas: Word Books. 1991). PETER D.
MiscAll,. Isaiah (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic
Press, 1993). R. E. CLEMENTS. Isaiah 1-39 (NCBC; Grand Rapids. Michigan: Ecrdrnans, 1980).
R. N. WIIYBRAY. Isaiah 40-66 (NCBC: Grand Rapids. Michigan: Ecrdn’ians. 1975). R. P.
CARROI.I.. Jeremiah (OTL; London: SCM Press, 1986). RAI,I’II L. SMFIH, Micah-Malachi
(WBC; Dallas: Word Books, 1984). S. M. PAtTI,. Amos (Hcrmcneia: Philadelphia: Fortress
Press. 1991). ThoMAs E. MCCOMISKEY (ed), ihe Minor Prophets: .ln Exegetical & h.xposztorv
(‘o,n,nenlarv (3 vols.; Grand Rapids. Michigan: Baker Book House. 1992/93/98) xii + 1412 pp.
W.i:FIIER EIcIIR0DT, Ezekiel (OTL: Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster / John Knox Press.
1970). WALTIJER ZIMSIERI..I, Ezekiel (Hermeneia: Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1969/79).
WALTHER ZIMMERLI, Ezekiel (Herineneia; Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1969/83). WILLIAM H. BROWNLEE. Ezekiel 1-19 (WBC; Dallas: Word Books. 1986). WII,I.Ij\\4 L. HOLLADAY,
.Jeremiah 1-25 (Hermeneia: Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986). Jeremiah 26-52
(Herrneneia Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1989)

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